French Political Leader Mathilde Panot Criticizes Police Summons as "Fallacious"

In Saint-Étienne du Rouvray, Mathilde Panot denounces her summons for “apology of terrorism”

Panot Denounces Charges of Terrorism Apology

During a public meeting in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray on Thursday evening, Mathilde Panot, the president of the rebellious group in the National Assembly, expressed her disapproval of being summoned by the police on charges of "apology of terrorism." She described the motive behind her summons as fallacious, questioning the democratic basis of such an action against a political group leader. Panot emphasized her innocence, stating, "I did not steal an egg, I did not steal an ox."

Scheduled Police Meeting Skipped for Public Engagement

Panot revealed that she was supposed to meet with the anti-terrorist brigade on the same day but prioritized attending the public meeting in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray. She highlighted the broader issue of individuals losing their jobs for denouncing the genocide in Gaza, suggesting a pattern of suppression against political dissent.

Rima Hassan Also Facing Similar Charges

Accompanying Panot at the event was Rima Hassan, a candidate from La France insoumise for the upcoming European elections, who is similarly summoned for advocating terrorism. Both women addressed the crowd of approximately 400 activists, discussing the challenges and censorship they face in their political careers. Hassan, a novice in politics and a specialist in international law and refugee issues, affirmed their collective commitment to resist what they perceive as unjust censorship during their campaign.



All news articles on 2024-04-26

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