Xi Jinping's State Visit to France: A Diplomatic and Economic Overview

Meeting between Xi Jinping, Macron and Von der Leyen, in Paris: the French president called for “fair rules for all” in European Chinese trade

President Xi Jinping officially commenced his third visit to Paris on Monday, marking the sixtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France. This visit occurs amidst significant global tensions, including economic challenges in China and the ongoing Ukraine conflict, highlighting its critical nature.

Upon his arrival in a black armored vehicle, Xi Jinping was welcomed at the Elysée Palace for a series of high-level meetings. These included discussions with French President Emmanuel Macron and EU President Ursula Von der Leyen, emphasizing the pursuit of balanced trade rules and addressing the war in Ukraine.

The meetings at the Elysée Palace were described as crucial, with Macron advocating for "fair rules for all" in Sino-European trade. He stressed the importance of coordination with China on major global crises, particularly the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, describing it as "absolutely decisive."

The agenda also covered the complex commercial ties between China, France, and the European Union. Discussions aimed at influencing China's stance towards Russia, especially to encourage a truce during the Olympic Games, were particularly significant.

A grand welcome ceremony was held at the Hôtel des Invalides to celebrate the 60 years of diplomatic relations, established first by General de Gaulle in 1964. Despite economic and diplomatic disputes, the ceremony displayed the longstanding ties between the two nations.

The state visit included bilateral talks and a joint press conference with Macron and Xi, followed by engagements with Franco-Chinese investors. The Chinese delegation stayed at the Peninsula, a prestigious hotel in Paris, from where they attended a state dinner at the Elysée Palace, although details of the menu and guest list remained undisclosed.

Significant discussions also revolved around trade, particularly the potential imposition of punitive tariffs by the EU on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) and the ongoing investigation into subsidies that might distort the market. Macron aimed to mitigate potential retaliatory measures from China, such as import duties on French cognac and agricultural products.

Xi Jinping's visit not only focused on diplomatic and economic discussions but also included cultural engagements. Accompanied by their spouses, the leaders planned a less formal meeting in the Hautes-Pyrénées, reflecting a personal touch to the diplomatic interactions.

Throughout the visit, both leaders expressed a commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and addressing global challenges together. This visit underscores the intricate and significant relations between China, France, and the European Union amidst a complex global landscape.


  • https://www.clarin.com/mundo/encuentro-xi-jinping-macron-von-der-leyen-paris-presidente-frances-pidio-reglas-justas-comercio-chino-europeo_0_8XvZZPwDFS.html
  • https://www.lefigaro.fr/conjoncture/emmanuel-macron-prone-devant-xi-jinping-des-regles-equitables-pour-tous-dans-le-commerce-20240506
  • https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240506/k10014441581000.html
  • https://avis-vin.lefigaro.fr/economie-du-vin/pourquoi-la-rencontre-entre-macron-et-le-president-chinois-est-decisive-pour-le-cognac-20240506
  • https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/topnews/2024/05/06/von-der-leyen-concorrenza-tra-ue-e-cina-sia-equa_089ec48a-6588-41d3-91be-e30e6946d51c.html
  • https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240506/k10014441211000.html
Refs: | Clarin |

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